Interpersonal Communication

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication (lat: inter = between) is the process of successful information flow between two or more people. Person A has an intention. Person B understands this intention. At this moment, interpersonal communication has taken place.

3 examples of interpersonal communication

Example 1: Person A invites Person B to her birthday party. >>> Person B arrives at the agreed time for the party.

Example 2: A live loudspeaker announcement at a railway station indicates a platform change. >>> All passengers get their train.

Example 3: A teacher explains the worth of respect to the class. >>> The students stop any bullying.

How does interpersonal communication work?

Interpersonal communication works when at least two (2) people agree on the meaning of at least one of the following signals:

When does interpersonal communication fail?

Interpersonal communication fails when two (2) or more people:

  • have fundamentally different ideas of meaning in any sense
  • don’t share any common interests
  • do have contrary goals

Can you train interpersonal communication?

Yes, everyone can have training in interpersonal communication.